We want to create conditions for people to grow and develop through inner leadership


AI Sweden and Humantech have agreed to collaborate around competence provision.

The project is an International Master Graduate Program, also called Eye for AI. It is an 18-month program for top European AI talents. The program is run by AI Sweden together with AstraZeneca, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, and Zenseact with the aim of giving Talents the opportunity to work with concrete applied data and AI problems in three different application areas, get to know three organizations and utilize AI Sweden’s global network, resources and expertise, and for the Program Parties to create an international talent pool.

Humantech and AI Sweden have agreed that Humantech will be the formal host of the Program and thus act as an employer for the Talents recruited to the Program.

About us

Through our projects, we want to create conditions for people to grow and develop through inner leadership.

AI (artificial intelligence) concept.